Abundant New Middle Age (ANMA) Ministry 7 Declarations
1. Renewal: Commitment to renewing our hearts and minds by God’s Word and the Holy Spirit to be transformed and make a difference in our life. (Joshua 1:8-9, John 14:26, Rom. 12:2)
2. Christ-Centered: Commitment to live a Christ-Centered holistic, healthy, and obedient disciple life, living Christ’s likeness and the Abundant Life to Glorify God. (Philippians 1:21, John 14:15)
3. Mission-Driven: Commitment to live a Mission-Driven (i.e. Purpose-Driven) life for Christ’s Great Commission and Great Commandment in the church, community, workplace, and society. Sharing the Gospel and witnessing God’s love and righteousness, and His blessings with the World. (Matt. 28:19-20, Mark 12:30-31, Micah 6:8)
5. Relationships: Commitment to develop a healthy and strong relationship with God, family, body of Christ, colleagues, friends, and neighbors (1 Thessalonians 5:13b, Hebrews 12:14)
6. Service: Commitment to serve others holistically and making a positive impact on peoples’ lives in the church, workplace, marketplace, and community. (Mark 10:45, Matt. 5:16)
7. Legacy: Commitment to finishing well in life by living a significant life and leaving a worthwhile legacy with God-given gifts, talents/skills, experiences, and resources! (Matt. 6:21)