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同時,新中年事工的願景也得到不同牧長的確認:陳建安牧師的教牧愽士論文— 「金齡事奉新領域:迦勒一族」、梁應安牧師在多倫多/蒙特利爾/溫哥華等地舉辦有關新中年的神學課程、及黎惠康牧師在前士嘉堡華人浸信會牧會時設立的金齡事工等。







•退休或提前退休的弟兄姊妹 〈若主許可,我們〉還有20多年的健康和活力




新中年事工的目的是鼓勵和動員年近退休或已退休的新中年基督徒承擔天國的使命 :參與服侍基督的教會、社羣、並福音的普傳。

新中年事工委員會成員: 甄榮達Eddie Yan (Chair, CCCO), 甄劉秀真Salina Yan (CCCO), 林錦華Charles Lam (CCCO), 陳淑儀Ivy Chan (EACO), 何光祥Andrew Ho (EACO),凌子威​ Eric Ling (OACAC),吳婉蘭 May Ng (OACAC); 江劉麗珍 Julia Kong (CCCO), Lay Adviser: 江宏達 George Kong (CCCO); Pastoral Adviser:陳建安牧師 Rev. Gerald Chan (OCAC)



Abundant New Middle Age (ANMA) Ministry Communique

This Communique has core information to communicate with Pastors, Elders, Fellowship Leaders, or Christian at-large to help them understand the vision, goal, and work of NMA Ministry and to support/collaborate with church’s ministries.


Background of the New Middle-Age Ministry


• The ‘New Middle-Age’ term here refers to the cohort between 55-75 years old or in short 55+


• In 2016, God led a group of Chinese Christians and pastors to see the growing number of retirees and pre-retirees among the churches’ Cantonese-speaking congregations. They have a burden to engage them to rethink retirement from a typical ‘North America Retirement Dream’ of golf and cruises to a much bigger, better, everlasting ‘God’s Kingdom Retirement Dream’, that is, actively investing our lives in God’s Kingdom work in their ‘Golden Years’ life and also living a healthy, active, and significant life. Hence, the NMA Committee was formed to champion and promote this initiative


• Concurrently, the NMA vision is also echoed by: Rev. Gerald Chan in his DMin. Thesis ‘The Tribe of Caleb’ re: the Cantonese Christians retirees, by Rev. James Leung in his workshops given in Toronto/Montreal/Van, and also Rev. Warren Lai in his former Scarborough Chinese Baptist Church among the retirees/senior groups etc. 



Unique characteristics of the ANMA Ministry 


• This group has obtained more education, stable/better employment in government, hi-tech, or private sector and have a healthy sustainable retirement income


• Accumulated a wealth of life’s resources (knowledge, skills, experience, finance, network, spiritual journey)


• Need a clear focus in retirement that is God’s mission-oriented, intentional, meaningful, and productive 


• Those transitioning to retirement or early retirement (If God permits, we) still have 20+ years of healthy and productive life



Goal of the ANMA Ministry


To motivate and mobilize all retirees/pre-retirees to have a mission-minded focus engaging and equipping in God’s Kingdom work to serve Christ’s church, the community, and God’s global missions.

ANMA Committee: Eddie Yan (Chair, CCCO), Salina Yan (CCCO), Charles Lam (CCCO),  Ivy Chan (EACO), Andrew Ho (EACO), Eric Ling (OACAC), May Ng (OACAC); Julia Kong (CCCO), Lay Adviser: George Kong (CCCO); Pastoral Adviser: Rev. Gerald Chan (OCAC)



楓盛新中年事工“徽標” 含義

這徽標融合了“新”與“舊” ——而主耶穌基督正是我們新中年的核心!徽標的「中」字用傳統字體展示出“舊”的優雅,旁邊的楓葉輪廓代表著加拿大,而輪廓的不同深淺金秋色正代表著我們服侍不同年紀、嶄新的“金齡”新中年世代。


Meaning of our ANMA Ministry logo


This logo blends "new" and "old" --- and the Lord Jesus Christ is the center of our new middle age! The word "中" in the logo uses traditional font to show the elegance of the "old", the maple leaf outline next to it represents Canada, and the different shades of golden autumn color in the maple leaf outline represent the new "golden” new middle age generation we serve.  

Abundant NMA logo 2022.jpg
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